/*FR* Made it all one big line (StormC couldn't handle split lines) */
static const char text1[] = "\33iHello User !\33n\n\nThis could be a very long text and you are looking\nat it through a \33uvirtual group\33n. Please use the\nscrollbars at the right and bottom of the group to\nmove the visible area either vertically or\nhorizontally. While holding down the small arrow\nbutton between both scrollbars, the display will\nfollow your mouse moves.\n\nIf you click somewhere into a \33uvirtual group\33n and\nmove the mouse across one of its borders, the group will\nstart scrolling. If you are lucky and own a middle mouse\nbutton, you may also want to press it and try moving.\n\nWhen the surrounding window is big enough for the\ncomplete virtual group to fit, the scrollers and\nthe move button get disabled.\n\nSince this \33uvirtual group\33n does only contain a\nsingle text object, it's a rather simple example.\nIn fact, virtual groups are a lot more powerful,\nthey can contain any objects you like.\n\nNote to 7MHz/68000 users: Sorry if you find this\nthingy a bit slow. Clipping in virtual groups can\nget quite complicated. Please don't blame me,\nblame your 'out of date' machine! :-)\n\n\33i\33cHave fun, Stefan.\33n";
APTR MakePage1(VOID)
MUIA_Scrollgroup_UseWinBorder, TRUE,
MUIA_Scrollgroup_Contents, VirtgroupObject,
Child, TextObject,
MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack,
MUIA_Text_Contents, text1,
/*FR* Made it all one big line (StormC couldn't handle split lines) */
static const char text2[] = "\33cAs you can see, this virtual group contains a\nlot of different objects. The (virtual) width\nand height of the virtual group are automatically\ncalculated from the default width and height of\nthe virtual groups contents.";
APTR MakePage2(VOID)
#define img(nr) ImageObject, MUIA_Image_Spec, nr, End
static const char text3[] = "\33cThe above pages only showed 'read only' groups,\nno user actions within them were possible. Of course,\nhandling user actions in a virtual group is not a\nproblem for MUI. As I promised on the first page,\nyou can use virtual groups with whatever objects\nyou want. Here's a small example...\n\nNote: Due to some limitations of the operating system,\nit is not possible to clip gadgets depending on\nintuition.library correctly. This affects the appearence\nof string and proportional objects in virtual groups.\nYou will only be able to use these gadgets when they\nare completely visible.\n\nPS: Also try TAB cycling here!";